
Assessment - BIPOLAR

Have changes in your mood affected you in a negative manner?

Section - General

Please complete this self-assessment if changes in your mood are not directly caused by a general medical condition or any physiological effects of a substance.


Over the past two months or longer, how often have you experienced or been concerned about any of the following?

Question Almost Never Sometimes Often Very Often
1: My mood and energy levels shift from time to time; from having boundless energy and feeling excessively elated or optimistic at times, to feeling irritable, fatigued, excessively sad, empty or hopeless at other times
2: I feel significantly more self-confident, capable and carefree than usual
3: I still feel rested and full of energy even when I get a lot less sleep that usual (e.g. 3 hours or less per day)
4: At times I am much more talkative or speak a lot faster than usual, and may interrupt people while they are talking
5: I find that my thoughts race in my head, or that I was unable to slow my mind down
6: I find it difficult to focus my attention for prolonged periods or I get easily distracted by outside interference, influences or disruptions
7: I am much more motivated, get many new ideas or work a lot harder than usual, or get very involved with planning or participating in multiple activities, such as work, academics, social or sexual activities
8: I engage in reckless activities even though these activities may result in very bad consequences for me. For example, spending large amounts of money, reckless driving, engaging in risky sexual behaviours, investing in or buying businesses you know nothing or little about
9: Close friends or relatives have told me of times when I did not seem myself, or that I did or said things that were unusual, excessive, risky or annoying
10: The changes in my mood is having a negative impact on certain aspects of my life, work or relationships
11: I have been hospitalised before because of the negative impact the changes in my mood has caused
12: I have had a significant loss of interest or pleasure in most things
13: I have had a reduced appetite or ate far more than usual, or had a significant weight gain or loss
14: I have had trouble falling or staying asleep, or slept much more than usual
15: I feel a slowness in my movements, speach or mental function, or the opposite, feel agitated, irritable and restless
16: I feel worthless, guilty or negative about myself
17: I battle to think, concentrate, make decisions or complete tasks
18: I have thought that life is not worth living, or I have planned or attempted suicide before