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Beltone Legend


Beltone Legend is a premium full hearing aid product line. With the widest range of choices and  advanced technology, there is a Beltone Legend model for every taste and lifestyle. Ask your hearing care professional to help you find your perfect match today!



Beltone Legend



Introducing Personal Sound ID

You've probably never wondered why you automatically listen to important sounds like ambulances or someone calling your name through other background noise. It's just something people with normal hearing are born with. Your ears and your brain are built to work in harmony.

Hearing loss robs you of that ability, and most hearing aids will just attempt to "guess" that you want to hear certain sounds. The breakthrough Personal Sound ID feature in Beltone Legend mimics the way sound is naturally processed by the ear. It helps you locate sounds, gives you better awareness of your surroundings and a full listening experience.



Adapts to your lifestyle 

Beltone Legend includes a wealth of other features that combine with Personal Sound ID to create an easy and comfortable listening experience. Watch the videos below to see how some of them can benefit you in everyday environments. 



Ear To Ear Synchronization lets you change programs or adjust volume in on one ear, while conveniently applying those changing to your other hearing aid.



Made for iPhone®

Beltone Legend sets the industry standard for keeping you connected to everyone and everything you love. Play music, make phone calls or FaceTime calls or stream any other audio from your iPhone, iPad® or iPod touch®, directly to your hearing aids. You can also change hearing aid settings, like volume and environmental programs. No cords, no cumbersome device you have to wear around your neck, For even more control, download the free Beltone HearPlus app.


Read more about the Beltone HearPlus App

Beltone Legend™—Taking personalized hearing to the next level
How to adjust bass and treble on your Beltone Legend devices using the Beltone HearPlus app
How to change programs on your Beltone Legend devices using the Beltone HearPlus app
How to change volume on Beltone Legend devices using the Beltone HearPlus app
How to check if your Beltone Legend devices are connected to your iPhone
How to check the battery level on your Beltone Legend devices using the Beltone HearPlus app
Personal Sound ID feature in Beltone hearing aids

Beltone Legend Features

Type of hearing loss

Best suitable for the following hearing loss levels: Mild-to-severe


Design and styles

Available styles: All


IIC | Invisible-in-Canal


CIC | Completely-in-Canal


MIH | Mic-in-Helix


ITC | In-the-Canal


ITE | In-the-Ear


RIE | Receiver-in-Ear


BTE | Behind-the-Ear


Colours: 8 skin and hair tones 

Hearing restoration

Sound processing channels: 

  • Legend 17: 17 Channels
  • Legend 9: 14 Channels
  • Legend 6: 12 Channels


The more channels available, the more closely your hearing aids can simulate the way human ears process sound. Channels help keep speech clear, and loud sounds comfortable–even in noisy environments. And, channels allow for subtle adjustments to the changing sounds you encounter as you move through your day. 

Environmental Programs: Yes - Up to 4

Your Beltone Practitioner will customize special listening programs for you based on your lifestyle–such as settings for both quiet and noisy environments. You can activate each program with the push of a button on your hearing aid, or on your portable remote control.

Curvilinear WDRC: Yes

WDRC amplifies the softer sounds you want to hear, and prevents loud sounds from being uncomfortable. You won't be distracted by a sudden, jarring noise, or the distortion of loud sounds, while wearing your hearing aids.


Special Features

Ear to Ear synchronization: Yes

Ear–to Ear–Synchronization means the volume and program settings you apply to one hearing aid are automatically transferred to the other, for a convenient and discreet one-touch solution.


Asymmetric Phone Handling: Yes

Placing the phone on one ear automatically reduces the hearing aid volume on the other ear. Competing “room noise” is reduced, so it's easy to hear your phone conversation.


AFX Music Mode: Yes

AFX Music Mode is a new and effective way to help reduce annoying “sound artifacts” that can occur when listening to music. Music comes through as it was meant to be heard.


Music Audio Alerts: Yes

Beltone Legend™ instruments will send musical alerts to notify you when the battery needs changing, and to indicate when program or volume changes have been made.


Speech in Noise

CrossLink Directionality with Personal ID:

  • Legend 17: Yes
  • Legend 9: No
  • Legend 6: No


Utilizes the Ear-to-Ear wireless link to determine the best directionality mode for the environment while incorporating technologies that provide more natural sound processing when the directionality is set to omni directional in both instruments.


Personal Sound ID:

  • Legend 17: Yes
  • Legend 9: No
  • Legend 6: No


An omnidirectional listening mode designed to maximize the postive effects of spatial hearing. Personal sound ID intergrates two technologies that preserve acoustic cues: pinna restoration (mimics the directivity of the natural ear) and binaural compression (helps to preserve the natural loudness difference between the ears using Ear-to-Ear information).


CrossLink Directionality:

  • Legend 17: No
  • Legend 9: Yes
  • Legend 6: No


CrossLink Directionality allows each hearing aid to analyze the given “sound” surroundings, and then share the “data” with the other. Both hearing aids automatically adjust their settings to deliver the optimum results for the current environment. It's especially effective in noisy settings.


Speech Spotter Pro:

  • Legend 16 & 9: Yes
  • Legend 6: No - Speech Spotter Basic


This “directionality” option detects where speech is coming from in different listening environments. In noisy surroundings, it hones in on the speaker's voice, and automatically reduces background noise. However, if no speech is detected, it lets in the environmental sounds around you.


Spatial Directionality: Yes

This feature allows you to focus on sound coming from in front of you (such as conversation), yet still monitor the sounds happening around and behind you. This lets you clearly hear the person you're facing, and at the same time, stay in touch with your surroundings.


Adaptive Directionality: 

  • Legend 16: 15 Point - Smart Beam
  • Legend 9: 9 Point - Smart Beam
  • Legend 6: 6 Point - Smart Beam


The adaptive directionality feature in Beltone Legend correctly identifies the surrounding environment and targets the speaker. It updates itself 750 times per second, and automatically adjusts to the direction from which the sound is coming, even when the sound is moving.


Feedback Eraser:

  • Legend 16: Feedback Eraser with Whistlestop (5 choices)
  • Legend 9: Feedback Eraser (4 choices)
  • Legend 6: Feedback Eraser (3 choices)


Feedback can occur when an object, such as a hat or hairbrush, comes close to your hearing aids. Feedback eraser offers five settings which prevent such feedback, starting with a very aggressive option called Whistle Stop. The other settings adjust the feature sensitivity for patients without serious feedback issues. Feedback Eraser eliminates whistling and buzzing, so you feel comfortable and confident all day.


Band Split Directionality:

  • Legend 16 & 9: Adjustable Mixing-point Frequency
  • Legend 6: Fixed Mixing-point Frequency


This feature works in a variety of ways to make speech extremely easy to understand, even in the noisiest of backgrounds.


Beam Width:

  • Legend 16 & 9: Smart Beam Steering
  • Legend 6: Fixed-Wide Steering


This feature automatically “zooms in” on speech sounds when background noise is present, and “zooms out” when background noise is no longer present and speech can be clearly heard.


Auto Phone: Yes

Beltone Legend is equipped with an advanced Auto–Phone feature that automatically turns on a dedicated telephone program when you bring the phone to your ear. There's no need to manually change programs.


Hearing comfort

Sound Cleaner: 

  • Legend 16: Sound Cleaner Pro (5 choices)
  • Legend 9: Sound Cleaner (4 choices)
  • Legend 6: Sound Cleaner (3 choices)


Sound Cleaner Pro is a sophisticated noise reduction system that intuitively adjusts to your hearing needs as you move from one noise environment to another. By intelligently changing amplification according to your surroundings, your hearing aids simulate natural hearing.


Safeguard Feedback Control: Yes

Although Feedback Eraser with WhistleStop provides the optimum level of feedback cancellation, Safeguard Feedback Control is a convenient option when feedback calibration is not possible.


Silencer System:

  • Legend 16: 17 Channel Analysis
  • Legend 9: 14 Channel Analysis
  • Legend 6: 12 Channel Analysis


This feature suppresses low level or irrelevant background noise, such as fans and refrigerators, which can be bothersome in quiet environments if amplified too much.


Wind Noise Reduction:

  • Legend 16: 4 Settings
  • Legend 9: 3 Settings
  • Legend 6: 2 Settings


Wind Noise Reduction detects and suppresses noise generated by wind, including soft breezes. This feature has three sensitivity options to match your exact needs. Dampening wind noise is especially popular among those with active outdoor lifestyles.


Synchronized Satisfy: Yes

Helps first-time wearers more readily acclimate to new hearing aids by gradually introducing processed sound.


Sound Shifter: Yes

Allows you to enjoy the full sound spectrum by consolidating harder-to-hear high frequency sounds into an area of the sound spectrum where these sounds are more easily heard.


Environmental awareness

Smart Gain:

  • Legend 16: Smart Gain Pro 7 environments
  • Legend 9: Smart Gain 7 environments
  • Legend 6: No


Smart Gain Pro is designed to address hearing in multiple listening environments by increasing or decreasing the gain and/or noise reduction settings automatically when the hearing aid identifies a change in your listening environment.


Data-logging: Yes

This feature keeps track of your hearing aid preferences–which programs you use, what volume you prefer in different environments, etc. Your Beltone Hearing Care Practitioner can use the data to do some fine–tuning to further customize your hearing aids.


Personal Wireless Network

Direct Connection to iPhone®: Yes

Lets you wirelessly stream calls and audio from an iPhone®* into your hearing aids without the need for any body-worn or extra devices.


Beltone myPAL Accessory: Yes

This small, portable microphone can be worn by someone speaking, placed in front of an audio source, or directly connected to an iPod® or MP3 player. The myPAL picks up the sound and wirelessly streams it directly into your hearing aids–up to 20 feet away. Sound comes through with amazing clarity.


Beltone TV Link 2 Accessory: Yes

Beltone Direct TV Link 2 transmits sound from your favorite media devices directly to your hearing aids, wirelessly. Adjust the volume as you please, without changing what others hear. Receiving sound wirelessly also lets you move around the room freely. Wirelessly connect to television, stereo, radio, PC, iPod® and iPad®.


Beltone Phone Link 2 Accessory: Yes

Direct Phone Link 2 is a lightweight Bluetooth accessory that clips to your shirt. When your phone rings, simply press a button on Phone Link to answer–your phone can stay put away. Then, speak hands–free! Clear conversation is heard in both ears, without a headset. And, because you hear the phone ring in your ears, you won't miss calls.


Beltone Remote 2 Control Accessory: Yes

Direct Remote Control 2 lets you manage hearing aid sound and functionality with an easy–to–use handheld device. Quickly adjust the volume on your TV, stereo and computer. Take Direct Remote with you, and discreetly control volume on–the–go. Direct Remote also lets you change your personal environmental programs.


Other features

Tinnitus Breaker Pro: Yes

This unique feature generates special “white noise” sounds to counteract annoying tinnitus. Depending on the characteristics of a person's tinnitus, your Beltone hearing care practitioner can adjust the frequency and noise–signal level of the white noise to help cancel out the tinnitus.

Design and styles


IIC | Invisible-in-Canal

A hearing aid so small it is virtually invisible but powerful enough to help with mild to moderate hearing loss.

The term “invisible hearing aids” can be confusing, because IIC hearing aids can actually be seen. The small hearing aids are practically undetectable when worn.

IIC hearing aids are created just for you by making an ear impression of your ear canal. This impression is turned into a 3-D computerized rendering that is virtually positioned in your ear canal. 

This allows us to refine your IIC hearing aid until it is as invisible, comfortable, and functional as possible for your unique ear shape and structure. The blueprint then goes to our manufacturing center where they customs make every IIC hearing aid we sell.

IIC hearing aids are an excellent choice for people searching for a nearly invisible hearing aid style. However, the hearing aid that is right for you depends on many factors, like your type and degree of hearing loss, lifestyle, and overall health. Use these pros and cons to discuss your options with a hearing care professional. 

Nothing compares to seeing and feeling a hearing aid in person. Come in to your local Beltone to learn more and demo our products. 


CIC | Completely-in-Canal

A very small hearing aid that fits comfortably completely inside your ear canal to help with mild to moderate hearing loss.

As the name suggests, CIC hearing aids are worn completely in your ear canal, and are a discreet and—often more affordable—option.

CIC hearing aids are custom fit to your unique anatomy using an ear canal impression to achieve maximum comfort and sound quality. These completely in the canal hearing aids come in a variety of skin tones so they are not noticeable when worn. They are easy to remove with a small, transparent wire. And, they have an assortment of features that improve sound quality, adjustability, and personalization.

The right hearing aid style for you depends on your lifestyle, level of hearing loss, and manual dexterity. Use these pros and cons to have an intelligent discussion about your options with a hearing care professional. 


MIH | Mic-in-Helix

Designed to “disappear”, the main part of an MIC hearing aid hides in your ear canal. This piece is custom-manufactured based on an ear canal impression taken during your visit, so it's very comfortable. The hearing aid microphone is a separate component, and is worn within the concha, or curved groove, of your external ear—where it stays out of sight. A tiny transparent tube sends sound from the microphone in your concha to the component in your ear canal.

The ingenious construction of the MIC style hearing aid takes advantage of the ear's anatomy to provide near-to-natural sound quality, and outstanding appearance. By placing the microphone in the curved portion of your ear, it's protected from wind noise. This makes the MIH style perfect for active individuals who spend time outdoors.


ITC | In-the-Canal

ITC-style hearing aids are custom-made, based on an impression taken of your ear canal and the surrounding area. They are slightly larger than completely-in-canal (CIC) hearing aids, but still considered cosmetically appealing. All of the components in an ITC hearing aid are encased within a lightweight plastic shell. Their medium size makes them a great choice for push button controls. ITC hearing aids offer a secure fit, easy insertion and removal, and longer battery life. They work best for mild-to-moderate hearing loss.

Also popular is the Mini ITC style hearing aid. This option is less noticeable than the standard ITC hearing aid, but offers fewer easy-to-reach controls.


ITE | In-the-Ear


RIE | Receiver-in-Ear

Receiver-in-Ear (RIE) hearing aids are the newest BTE style devices on the market, and, the most popular. An RIE hearing aid is comprised of a very small casing that sits behind the ear. The casing houses all of the electronic components of the hearing aid except for the receiver (also called the speaker). This allows the casing to be extremely tiny, so it's barely visible. A narrow transparent tube carries very thin wires from the casing to the receiver, which rests in your ear canal.

RIE hearing aids offer exceptionally natural sound quality, and can be used with custom-made or standard ear molds, depending on your individual amplification needs. Almost all types of hearing loss can be assisted with RIE style hearing aids.


BTE | Behind-the-Ear

Easy-to-wear BTE devices are small, and feature a curved casing designed to nestle comfortably behind the ear. By matching flesh tone or hair color, they hide with ease. A transparent tube connects the device to a custom-created ear mold worn in your ear canal. Ear molds are lightweight and comfortable, making BTE hearing aids easy to wear all day.

BTE style hearing aids can be used by just about everyone. They assist the entire spectrum of hearing loss, from mild to severe. Additionally, they are budget friendly, and adapt to most lifestyles.



Contact Beltone

Call us 0860 100 832   Share Call

(012) 998 6988 (Tel)

(012) 998 7945 (Fax)

086 663 5401 (Fax)


545 Douglas Scholtz St,Constantia Park,  Pretoria

Postnet Suite 299, Private Bag X4, Menlo Park, 0102