Conditions Explained


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Erectile dysfunction



We have selected the following expert medical opinion based on its clarity, reliability and accuracy. Credits: Sourced from the Cleveland Clinic, Ohio. Please refer to your own medical practitioner for a final perspective, assessment or evaluation.



What is erectile dysfunction (ED)?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. Estimates suggest that one of every 10 men will suffer from ED at some point during his lifetime. It is important to understand that in most cases, ED is a symptom of another, underlying problem.

ED is not considered normal at any age and may be associated with other problems that interfere with sexual intercourse, such as lack of desire and problems with orgasm and ejaculation.


How common is erectile dysfunction?

Approximately one in 10 adult males will suffer from ED on a long-term basis.

Many men do experience occasional failure to achieve erection, which can occur for a variety of reasons, such as drinking too much alcohol, stress, relationship problems, or from being extremely tired.

The failure to get an erection less than 20% of the time is not unusual and typically does not require treatment. However, the failure to achieve an erection more than 50% of the time generally means that there is a problem and treatment is needed.

ED does not have to be a part of getting older. While it is true that some older men may need more stimulation, they should still be able to achieve an erection and enjoy intercourse.



What causes erectile dysfunction (ED)?

ED can be caused by a number of factors, including:

Vascular disease: Blood supply to the penis can become blocked or narrowed as a result of vascular disease such as atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

Neurological disorders (such as multiple sclerosis): Nerves that send impulses to the penis can become damaged from stroke, diabetes, or other causes.

Psychological states: These include stress, depression, lack of stimulus from the brain, and performance anxiety.

Trauma: An injury could contribute to symptoms of ED.

Chronic illness, certain medications, and a condition called Peyronie's disease can also cause ED.

Operations for the prostate, bladder, and colon cancer may also be contributing factors.


Medications which may cause erectile dysfunction (ED)

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common side effect of a number of prescription drugs. While these medications may treat a disease or condition, in doing so they can affect a man's hormones, nerves or blood circulation, resulting in ED or increasing the risk of ED.

If you experience ED and think that it may be a result of the medication you are using, DO NOT stop taking the medication. If the problem persists, contact your doctor and he or she may be able to prescribe a different medication.

Common medications that may list ED as a potential side effect include:

  • Diuretics (pills that cause increase urine flow)
  • Antihypertensives (high blood pressure drugs)
  • Antihistamines
  • Antidepressants
  • Parkinson's disease drugs
  • Antiarrhythmics (drug for irregular heart action)
  • Tranquilizers
  • Muscle relaxants
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Histamine H2-receptor antagonists
  • Hormones
  • Chemotherapy medications
  • Prostate cancer drugs
  • Anti-seizure medications


Other substances or drugs that can cause or lead to ED include these recreational and frequently abused drugs:

  • Alcohol
  • Amphetamines
  • Barbiturates
  • Cocaine
  • Marijuana
  • Methadone
  • Nicotine
  • Opiates

These drugs not only affect and often suppress the central nervous system, but can also cause serious damage to the blood vessels, leading to permanent ED.



Which doctors treat erectile dysfunction?

The type of doctor who treats ED will depend on the cause of the problem. Based on your family's medical history, as well as your own medical history and current health, your own family doctor may treat you with oral medication.

If these options fail, you may be referred to a urologist who can assist with other non-surgical options such as vacuum device or injections or surgical treatment options. If needed, your doctor may also refer you to a psychologist specializing in sexual dysfunction.


How is erectile dysfunction treated?

ED can be treated in many ways, including:

  • Oral medications
  • Sex therapy
  • Penile injections
  • Vacuum devices
  • Intraurethral medication
  • Surgery (penile implant)


Each type has its own pros and cons. Discuss your options with your doctor to determine the best treatment for you.

The first step to treating ED is to find the underlying cause. Then the appropriate treatment can begin. There are a number of non-surgical and surgical options that can help a man regain normal sexual function.



Medications such as sildenafil (Viagra), vardenafil (Levitra), or tadalafil (Cialis) may help improve sexual function in men by increasing blood flow to the penis.

Men who are on medicines that contain nitrates such as nitroglycerine should not take oral ED medications. The combination of nitrates and these specific medications can cause low blood pressure (hypotension).

The most common side effects of these medications are indigestion, nasal congestion, flushing, headaches and a temporary visual disturbance.


Mechanical aids

Aids such as vacuum devices and penile constriction rings serve as erectile aids for some men.

A vacuum constriction device: 

This is a cylinder that is placed over the penis. The air is pumped out of the cylinder, which draws blood into the penis and causes an erection. The erection is maintained by slipping a band off of the base of the cylinder and onto the base of the penis. The band can stay in place for up to 30 minutes. The vacuum device can be safely used to treat most causes of erectile failure. Lack of spontaneity, discomfort, and cumbersomeness of the device seem to be the biggest concerns of patients.


Penile injection therapy (intracavernosal injection therapy)

Men are taught how to inject medications directly into the erection chambers of the penis to create an erection. Injection therapy is effective in treating a wide variety of erection issues caused by blood vessel, nerve, and psychological conditions.

Using a tiny needle and syringe, the man injects a small amount of medicine into the side of his penis. The medicine relaxes the blood vessels, allowing blood to flow into the penis. This treatment has been widely used and accepted since the early 1980s. The three most common medicines are prostaglandin E1 (alprostadil), papaverine (Papacon®), and phentolamine (Regitine®).

The most common side effects are pain and penile scarring (fibrosis). In extremely rare cases, patients with cerebral and vascular disease or severe cardiovascular diseases might not be able to tolerate the dizziness and high blood pressure occasionally caused by injection therapy.

A painful erection that lasts longer than two to three hours is called priapism and may occur with injection therapy. This can be lessened with proper dosing and by following the treatment guidelines.


Psychology and sex therapies

Psychological causes may contribute to erectile failure even when there is a clear organic cause.

Therapy with a trained counsellor can help a person address feelings of anxiety, fear, or guilt that may have an impact on sexual dysfunction.

Sex therapy can be beneficial to most men when counselling is provided by a skilled sex therapist. Sex therapy also helps a man's partner accept and cope with the problems.

A patient whose ED has a clear psychological cause should receive sex therapy counselling before any invasive treatments are pursued.



Low hormone levels may play a role in ED. Hormone replacement in the form of topical gels, creams, patches, injections, and pellets are only used after physician evaluation


What are surgical treatment options for erectile dysfunction (ED)?

Penile prosthesis surgery:

Inflatable penile prostheses are implanted during outpatient surgery. Once they are part of a man's body, they enable him to have an erection whenever he desires. The use of a prosthesis preserves penile sensation, orgasm, and ejaculation for most men.

The most commonly used penile implant consists of a pair of inflatable cylinders that are surgically implanted in the erection chambers of the penis. The cylinders are connected through tubing to a reservoir of fluid under the lower abdominal muscles, and to a pump inside the scrotal sac.

To inflate the penile prosthesis, the man compresses the pump a number of times to transfer fluid from the reservoir to the cylinders. This causes the penis to become erect. When inflated, the prosthesis makes the penis stiff and thick, which is very similar to a natural erection.

A penile prosthesis does not change the sensation on the skin of the penis or a man's ability to achieve orgasm or ejaculate. Pressing on a deflation valve attached to the pump returns the fluid to the reservoir, which returns the penis to a flaccid state.

The surgical procedure is performed through one or two small incisions that are generally well hidden. Other people will be unable to tell that a man has an inflatable penile prosthesis — most men would not be embarrassed in a locker room or public restroom. Complications following surgery are not common, but primarily include infection and mechanical device failure.

Approximately 95% of penile implant surgeries are successful in producing erections that enable men to have sexual intercourse. Moreover, patient satisfaction questionnaires show that up to 90% of men who have undergone penile implants say they would choose the surgery again, and overall satisfaction ratings are higher than those reported by men using oral medication or penile injection therapy.



Can erectile dysfunction (ED) be prevented?

For people who are at risk of developing ED due to personal behaviour, steps may be taken to try to prevent its occurrence. However, other causes may not be preventable.

A number of studies now suggest a link between ED and obesity, high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.

The following recommendations may help prevent ED or improve the problem if it is already present:

Eat a healthy diet: A diet that limits saturated fat intake and includes several portions of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can benefit men with ED.

Reduce cholesterol: High cholesterol can harden, narrow, or block the arteries (atherosclerosis) leading to the penis. Men can lower cholesterol through diet, exercise, and medication.

Maintain a healthy weight.

Exercise regularly:Regular exercise may reduce the risk of ED. Choose exercises that you enjoy and will make a regular part of your day. In addition to reducing the risk of ED, exercise also can help you manage stress. Check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.


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