Medication Explained


This website is intended to assist with patient education and should not be used as a diagnostic, treatment or prescription service, forum or platform. Always consult your own healthcare practitioner for a more personalised and detailed opinion


Please note: these are basic guidelines, refer to your doctor for a professional medical opinion.


Popular brand names:


Drug group:

Loop diuretic

Prescription needed?



What does it do?

Bumetanide is used in the treatment of:

  • Oedema (accumulation of fluid in tissue spaces) resulting from heart failure, nephrotic syndrome, impaired kidney function, cirrhosis of the liver
  • Acute pulmonary oedema (fluid in the lungs) - injected form rapidly relieves symptoms


How does it work?

  • Bumetanide is a powerful, short-acting loop diuretic
  • It increases fluid (and potassium) loss in the urine


How should it be used?

  • Bumetanide is usually prescribed with potassium supplements or a potassium-sparing diuretic
  • Best taken in the morning to avoid having to urinate at night


What is the typical dosage?

Your doctor will recommend a dosage tailored to your need, but typically:

1–5mg daily, usually once (but sometimes twice) daily


How quickly will it start to work?

Within 30 minutes by mouth, more quickly by injection

How long will the effects last?

2–4 hours

When should I stop using it?

Do not stop the drug without consulting your doctor

Is it safe for prolonged use?

No serious problems expected, but regular blood tests may be required to monitor kidney function and electrolytes.                                                    


What are the possible side effects?

Adverse effects are mainly due to the rapid fluid loss, and usually diminish as the body adjusts.

The following have been reported:

  • More common: dizziness, fainting, lethargy, fatigue, muscle cramps, nausea
  • Less common: gout (in susceptible patients)
  • Report to your doctor before taking your next dose if you experience: rash, photosensitivity, vomiting


What other considerations are important?

Dosage may be adjusted by your doctor under certain conditions.

  • Certain health problems: liver/kidney disease, prostate problems, gout
  • Other medicines: anti-arrhythmic drugs, some antibiotics, digoxin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), lithium, amisulpride, sertindole, pimozide, thiazides,
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Not usually prescribed, may reduce blood flow to developing baby and reduce milk production
  • Children: Not usually prescribed, reduced dose necessary
  • Over 60: Reduced dose may be necessary
  • Driving and hazardous work: Caution, the drug may cause dizziness or fainting
  • Alcohol: Keep consumption low, increased risk of dehydration