

How inclined are you towards obsessive behaviour

Section - General

Please answer every question.

Over the past six months or more, how often have you experienced or been concerned about any of the following statements?

Question Almost Never Sometimes Often Very Often
1: I am preoccupied by recurrent thoughts, impulses or desires that that are not as a result of real life problems or worries
2: These recurrent thoughts, impulses or desires distress me, are a cause of concern and may disrupt my day or ability to function optimally
3: I attempt to ignore, suppress or override these recurrent thoughts or desires with mental strategies or techniques to distract myself
4: I feel driven to perform repetitive rituals or routines such as hand washing, checking doors, windows, locks, etc. or, arranging items into patterns or rows
5: Performing repetitive tasks, acts or rituals is a way to help me unwind or relax
6: If I am prevented from performing these repetitive rituals, I can easily become stressed
7: I or others believe that these repetitive thoughts or rituals are awkward, odd or extreme
8: My repetitive thought patterns or deeds tend to have a negative impact on my life, work or relationships