
Assessment - MOOD

What is your current frame of mind

Section - General

Please answer every question.

Over the past two weeks or more, how often have you experienced or been concerned about any of the following?

Question Almost Never Sometimes Often Very Often
1: Feeling down in the dumps, hopeless or sad?
2: Experienced a diminished interest or pleasure in your work or life in general?
3: Had a reduced appetite or ate far more than usual?
4: Had trouble falling or staying asleep, or slept much more than usual?
5: Felt a slowness in your movements or mental function, or the opposite, felt agitated, irritable and restless?
6: Felt lethargic, tired or unusually burnt out?
7: Felt worthless, guilty or negative about yourself?
8: Found your ability to think, concentrate or make decisions negatively impaired?
9: Found yourself thinking about morbid topics such as death or that life is not worth living?