

This website is intended to assist with patient education and should not be used as a diagnostic, treatment or prescription service, forum or platform. Always consult your own healthcare practitioner for a more personalised and detailed opinion

These self-assessments have been created to help you express and quantify issues that are often difficult to articulate, comprehend or explain

What is your current frame of mind
How stressed, worried or anxious are you
Test your ability to stay focused on a task
How inclined are you towards obsessive behaviour
How does disturbed sleeping patterns affect your life
Have changes in your mood affected you in a negative manner?
Has an emotionally traumatic event affected you in a negative manner?
Do you struggle with binge eating?

What is your child's current frame of mind
Self-assess your child’s current stress levels
Test your child's ability to stay focused on a task
How inclined is your child towards obsessive behaviour
How do disturbed sleeping patterns affect your child's life
Has changes in your child’s mood affected them in a negative manner?
Has an emotionally traumatic event affected you in a negative manner?
Does your child struggle with binge eating?