
Assessment - STRESS LEVELS

Self-assess your child’s current stress levels

Section - General

Please answer every question.

Over the past two weeks or more, how often have you observed or been concerned about any of the following in your child?

Question Almost Never Sometimes Often Very Often
1: Your child appeared anxious, fearful or unusually apprehensive?
2: Expressed thoughts, feelings or concerns about potential treats or fears?
3: Displayed signs of being emotionally more vulnerable and demanding more frequent attention or reassurance?
4: Performed habitual or repetitive behaviours such as fidgeting, nail biting, skin picking, lip or cheek biting, etc?
5: Had excessive, ongoing, or repetitive concerns about their own health or the health of close family members / friends?
6: Expressed or displayed significant fear or anxiety about being separated from you, family members or caregivers?
7: Complained that their minds went blank under pressure, such as during exams, class participation, etc?
8: Developed non-specific symptoms such as headaches, nausea or stomach ache without really appearing sick?
9: Had trouble falling or staying asleep?
10: Wanted to avoid stressful situations or interactions such as school, social gatherings, etc. with increasing frequency?
11: Had persistent, excessive and unreasonable fears or phobias of certain objects, people, animals, situations or imaginary creatures?
12: Displayed unusually naughty or disruptive behaviour under certain conditions in a social context?