Medication Explained


This website is intended to assist with patient education and should not be used as a diagnostic, treatment or prescription service, forum or platform. Always consult your own healthcare practitioner for a more personalised and detailed opinion


Please note: these are basic guidelines, refer to your doctor for a professional medical opinion.


Popular brand names:

Infant Gaviscon (aluminium free powder)

Popular combinations:

Gaviscon/Gaviscon plus (tablets and suspension), Gelacid (tablets and suspension), Gelusil plus (suspension)

Drug type:


Prescription needed:



What does it do?

  • Taken orally they are used to treat mild gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD)
  • Alginates can also be used in dressings where they absorb fluids from the surfaces of wounds (not discussed in this section)


How does it work?

Alginates are powders extracted from seaweed, which when mixed with water form a thick viscous fluid or gel. When swallowed the gel floats on the surface of the stomach contents, reducing reflux and protecting the lining of the oesophagus from acid regurgitated from the stomach.


What is the typical dosage?

Your doctor will recommend a dosage tailored to your need, but typically:

  • Chewable tablets, liquid or powder
  • Adults 800–2000mg daily, taken 4x daily after meals and at bedtime


How quickly will it start to work?

Within 10-20 minutes

How long will the effects last?

About 3 to 4 hours

When should I stop using it?

When no longer needed

Is it safe for prolonged use?

Yes, but alternative prescribed treatment may be more appropriate for chronic use, discuss with your doctor.


What are the possible side effects?

The following have been reported:

  • The antacid salts used with alginates may cause abdominal discomfort/distension, nausea
  • Report to your doctor before taking your next dose if: any of these symptoms are severe


What other considerations are important?

Dosage may be adjusted by your doctor under certain conditions.

  • Certain health problems: No known problems with occasional use
  • Other medicines: No known interactions with other medications but may influence absorption if taken concurrently
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Most preparations can be used safely for heartburn
  • Children: Lower doses needed
  • Over 60: No special problems
  • Driving and hazardous work: No known problems
  • Alcohol: No known problems