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We have selected the following expert medical opinion based on its clarity, reliability and accuracy. Credits: Sourced from the website Patient UK, authored by Dr Mary Lowth (see below). Please refer to your own medical practitioner for a final perspective, assessment or evaluation.
Infective conjunctivitis (pink eye) is an infection of the thin skin (the conjunctiva) on the front of the eye. It is very common and often starts in one eye but then spreads to the other.
The conjunctiva is the thin covering (like a very thin skin) that covers the white part of the eyes and the underside of the eyelids. '-itis' is the medical 'add-on' term for inflammation.
Conjunctivitis is a very common condition in which one or both eyes become red or pink and may be sticky or watery. Almost everyone will have experienced it several times and will be familiar with the symptoms of sensation of grittiness and discomfort in the eyes, with redness and discharge.
The symptoms of infective conjunctivitis are generally very mild. Because the conjunctiva does not cover the iris and pupil, conjunctivitis should not affect light getting into the eye and should not affect vision.
Vision can appear blurred or misted because of discharge smeared over the surface of the eye, but this will usually clear on blinking or wiping the eyes.
Because the conjunctiva (unlike the cornea, which covers the iris and pupil) is not very sensitive, conjunctivitis is usually uncomfortable rather than painful.
The main symptom of infective conjunctivitis is 'pink eye'. The eye looks pink or red.
Infective conjunctivitis often begins most obviously in one eye but may quickly spreads to both eyes. The whites of the eyes look inflamed.
Symptoms are:
You should always seek medical advice if your suspected conjunctivitis is particularly painful, or the discharge is particularly profuse. You may still be correct that you have conjunctivitis, but you may have one of the rare but more serious causes, or you may have another condition in addition to conjunctivitis.
Conjunctivitis should NOT be accompanied by any of the following symptoms:
These or any other severe symptoms suggest another cause for your eye symptoms, and you should seek medical advice urgently.
Infective conjunctivitis may be caused by germs. Bacterial conjunctivitis is more common in children, whilst viral conjunctivitis is more common in adults.
Infection is the most common cause of conjunctivitis.
However, conjunctivitis may also be due to:
Most cases of infective conjunctivitis are caused by the same germs that cause coughs and colds, and conjunctivitis commonly develops when you have a cold or cough.
Most bacterial conjunctivitis is mild. It usually clears within a week or so without antibiotics.
Most viral conjunctivitis is caused by a virus called adenovirus. This tends to cause a very red and more prolonged conjunctivitis. It is very contagious and typically lasts several weeks. Whilst it is not a serious condition, the fact that it lasts so long (and the eye can be very red) means that you should seek medical advice to rule out other causes.
Molluscum contagiosum virus can cause a mild conjunctivitis which, like adenovirus, can persist for several weeks. This is more common in children, and typically the little mole-like bumps of molluscum are visible on the eyelids or fingers.
More serious types of infective conjunctivitis are:
Rarely, infective conjunctivitis can more serious, with some rarer germs being capable of spreading into, and damaging, the cornea and the main part of the eye:
Other serious eye conditions:
There are several serious eye conditions which are not caused by infection, but which make the eye red. These conditions include acute glaucoma and uveitis. These conditions generally markedly affect vision, and most also cause severe pain.
These may be prescribed and might be:
Adenovirus conjunctivitis infection usually settles by itself within 2-4 weeks. You can help make it more comfortable with cold compresses and lubricants, such as chilled artificial tears (available from pharmacies). Occasionally a doctor may suggest antibiotic drops to prevent additional bacterial infection.
Preventing transmission of viral conjunctivitis is important. Wash hands thoroughly and often, keep hands away from your eyes and avoid sharing towels and cosmetics. Those who wear contact lenses should stop using them until the condition has settled down.
See a doctor if symptoms change, or do not settle within a few days, or if you are concerned that you have anything other than a common conjunctivitis.
In particular, see a doctor urgently if:
Most conjunctival infections are not serious, do not harm the eye, and clear in a few days. However, some infections such as herpes or chlamydia persist for longer than usual, are more serious and need special treatment.
Most serious eye infections feel different to simple conjunctivitis because they cause significant pain. Many also affect vision. Some other conditions, including allergic conjunctivitis, can appear similar to infective conjunctivitis initially. This makes it particularly important that you go back to your doctor if things become worse or if they do not settle as expected.
Some nursery and daycare facilities take the view that conjunctivitis is a nuisance for other parents and is more easily passed amongst small children who tend to have close physical contact with one another. They may ask you to keep your child at home until the eye is no longer red or sticky, in order to prevent other parents being affected or annoyed. They do, of course, have a right to enforce such rules.
Dr Mary Lowth
MA (Cantab), MB BChir, DFFP, DRCOG, PG Cert Med Ed, FRCGP
Qualified in 1988 (Cambridge), spent 20 years as a GP in Suffolk. Also a GP trainer, GP appraiser and Training Programme Director. Medicolegal GP with Freedom from Torture. Clinical writer, novelist and journalist. I write on medicine, on medical ethics and on human rights. MRCGP Examiner and Clinical Casewriter 2007-17. International Development Advisor for MRCGP(Int) Brunei 2011-15.
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