Medication Explained


This website is intended to assist with patient education and should not be used as a diagnostic, treatment or prescription service, forum or platform. Always consult your own healthcare practitioner for a more personalised and detailed opinion


Please note: these are basic guidelines, refer to your doctor for a professional medical opinion.


Popular brand names:

Lanazyp, Olawin, Oleanz, Olexar, Prexolan, Redilanz, Zyprexa

Drug group:

Antipsychotic drug - atypical

Prescription needed?



What does it do?

Olanzapine is an atypical antipsychotic drug prescribed for the treatment of:

  • Schizophrenia - can be used to treat both “positive” symptoms (delusions/hallucinations/ thought disorders) and “negative” symptoms (blunted affect/emotional and social withdrawal)
  • Bipolar disorder and acute mania - used alone or in combination with other drugs


Olanzapine injection is can be used in an emergency setting to calm patients with agitation associated with schizophrenia or mania.


How does it work?

Olanzapine blocks dopamine, histamine, and serotonin neurotransmitters in the brain.


What is the typical dosage?

Your doctor will recommend a dosage tailored to your need, but typically:

  • Tablets taken once daily; injection 1–2 x daily
  • Schizophrenia: starting dose = 10mg daily
  • Mania: starting dose = 15mg if used alone or 10mg if used in combination with other drugs
  • For all conditions, the dose can be adjusted between 5mg and 20mg daily (tablets) and 5mg and 10mg daily (injection)

How quickly will it start to work?

Injection 15–45 minutes; tablets 4–8 hours       

How long will the effects last?

30–38 hours          

When should I stop using it?

Do not stop the drug without consulting your doctor     

Is it safe for prolonged use?

Prolonged use of olanzapine can increase your risk of: diabetes, raised blood lipid levels, stroke (especially in the elderly), tardive dyskinesia (involuntary movements of the tongue and face).                                                                  


What are the possible side effects?

The following have been reported:

  • More common: drowsiness, increased appetite, weight gain
  • Less common: difficulty in urinating
  • Report to your doctor before taking your next dose if you experience: dizziness/fainting, rash


What other considerations are important?

Dosage may be adjusted by your doctor under certain conditions.

  • Certain health problems: kidney/liver problems, diabetes, glaucoma, epilepsy, previous stroke or high risk of stroke
  • Other medicines: all sedatives, carbamazepine, diabetic medication, ciprofloxacin
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Safety not established, discuss with your doctor
  • Children: Not recommended
  • Over 60: Reduced dose may be necessary
  • Driving and hazardous work: Caution, the drug can cause unusual drowsiness
  • Alcohol: Avoid, increased sedative effects
  • Smoking: Avoid, can reduce the effects of olanzapine