Medication Explained


This website is intended to assist with patient education and should not be used as a diagnostic, treatment or prescription service, forum or platform. Always consult your own healthcare practitioner for a more personalised and detailed opinion


Please note: these are basic guidelines, refer to your doctor for a professional medical opinion.


Popular brand names:


Drug group:

Tricyclic antidepressant drug

Prescription needed?



What does it do?

Dothiepin is a tricyclic antidepressant drug used in the long-term treatment of depression:

  • The drug is particularly useful when depression is accompanied by anxiety and insomnia
  • It elevates mood, increases physical activity, improves appetite, and restores interest in everyday activities
  • Used at night it encourages sleep and helps eliminate the need for additional sleeping drugs


How should it be used?

Dothiepin should not be taken by anyone with a serious heart condition


What is the typical dosage?

Your doctor will recommend a dosage tailored to your need, but typically:

  • Adults 75–150mg daily (up to 225mg may be given in some circumstances)
  • Taken 2–3 x daily or once at night

How quickly will it start to work?

2–6 weeks for full antidepressant effect, but side effects may be noticed within 1-2 days. 

How long will the effects last?

Several days 

When should I stop using it?

Do not stop taking the drug without consulting your doctor. The dose should be reduced gradually, as stopping the drug suddenly may cause withdrawal symptoms.

Is it safe for prolonged use?

No problems expected


What are the possible side effects?

Side effects are more common in the early days of treatment. The following have been reported:

  • More common: anticholinergic effects (drowsiness, dry mouth, sweating, blurred vision)
  • Less common: abnormal heart rhythm
  • Report to your doctor before taking your next dose if you experience: dizziness, fainting, difficulty in passing urine, palpitations



Risk of dangerous heart rhythms, seizures, and coma in overdose - seek urgent medical care.


What other considerations are important?

Dosage may be adjusted by your doctor under certain conditions.

  • Certain health problems: heart problems, epilepsy/seizures, liver/kidney problems, glaucoma, mania, psychotic illnesses
  • Other medicines: Antiarrhythmic drugs (including amiodarone and sotalol), monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), sedatives, antiepileptic drugs
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Safety not established
  • Children: Not recommended
  • Over 60: Reduced dose necessary, increased risk of side effects
  • Driving and hazardous work: Caution, the drug can reduce alertness and may cause blurred vision, dizziness, and drowsiness
  • Alcohol: Avoid, enhanced sedative effects
  • Surgery and general anaesthetics: The drug may need to be stopped before you have a general anaesthetic, discuss with your doctor or dentist