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'Game-changing' antibiotic can kill off superbugs

A new study, published in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, offers the first proof that a new synthetic form of the antibiotic teixobactin can neutralize drug-resistant bacteria.
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Being a 'night owl' could kill you, study finds

I wake up at 5.15 a.m. each day to get to work on time, so going to bed at a reasonable hour is a must for me. According to new research, it's also beneficial to my health; scientists found that "night owls" have a higher risk of early death.
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Best First-Line ADHD Medications for Children, Adults: Study Results

A new network meta-analyses of seven ADHD medications suggests that methylphenidate in children and adolescents and amphetamines in adults are the most effective, first-line, short-term treatment for ADHD. August 14, 2018
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Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis: do you know the difference?

The terms osteoporosis and osteoarthritis sound like very similar conditions but in reality they are two very different medical conditions with little in common. In both instances the word ‘osteo’ means bone. Osteoporosis affects the bones directly while osteoarthritis affects the joints between the bones. Therefore, the symptoms are experienced differently, and the diseases develop differently with different methods of treatment.
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Tuberculosis: Soil bacteria compound may yield potent new drug

Researchers have discovered a compound found in soil bacteria that could lead to new drugs to combat tuberculosis, a global disease that is becoming increasingly resistant to current treatments. They have produced synthetic versions of the natural compound and showed that they can kill the tuberculosis bacterium in the laboratory.
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