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If you have been living with hearing loss, you know how it feels to miss pieces of conversations or notes from your favourite songs. When parts of an experience are missing, you aren’t able to completely engage in those moments. As a consequence, your memories are compromised and incomplete.

Beltone wants to give you back the ability to fully participate in your life. We develop hearing solutions using only the latest hearing technology that is designed to fit just about any lifestyle and hearing loss.









Find the best hearing aids for your lifestyle

We believe hearing aids should accommodate your life, not the other way around. Beltone hearing aids mimic natural hearing, easily adjust to your environment, and conveniently connect to your technology. 

Our hearing aid apps allow your Beltone hearing care professional to fine tune your hearing aids wherever you are, so you can skip the office visit.

See Beltone's full line of hearing aids

Test your hearing from the comfort of home

Many people lose their hearing gradually and don’t immediately realize it. They learn to adapt their behavior and avoid places where they struggle to hear.

Does it feel like everyone mumbles? Do you struggle to hear when you back is turned? Do you often ask people to repeat themselves? Take our free online hearing test to identify potential hearing loss without ever leaving the couch.


Discover our best hearing aid technology

Hearing aids are the most common treatment for hearing loss. Beltone offers seven different styles of hearing aids that fall into three main groups: Behind-the-Ear, Receiver-in-Ear, and Custom hearing aids. 

All Beltone hearing aids offer superior sound quality, wireless connectivity, and easily adjustable features.



Read the latest from the Beltone blog

Read our latest blog post  - another in our “Ask the Expert” Hearing Care Practitioner (HCP) blog series. HCP Drew E. Kimbrough from our Spokane Valley, Washington, locations shares a bit about his community involvement, his favorite hobbies, and why you shouldn't be anxious about getting a hearing aid.

Read more



Award-winning technology


Helping the world hear better


Contact Beltone

Call us 0860 100 832   Share Call

(012) 998 6988 (Tel)

(012) 998 7945 (Fax)

086 663 5401 (Fax)


545 Douglas Scholtz St,Constantia Park,  Pretoria

Postnet Suite 299, Private Bag X4, Menlo Park, 0102