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We have selected the following expert medical opinion based on its clarity, reliability and accuracy. Credits: Sourced from the website Healthwise, authored by Healthwise Staff (see below). Please refer to your own medical practitioner for a final perspective, assessment or evaluation.
Positron emission tomography (PET) is a test that uses a special type of camera and a tracer (radioactive substance) to look at organs in the body. The tracer usually is a special form of a substance (such as glucose) that collects in cells that are using a lot of energy, such as cancer cells.
During the test, the tracer liquid is put into a vein (intravenous, or IV) in your arm. The tracer moves through your body, where much of it collects in the specific organ or tissue. The tracer gives off tiny positively charged particles (positrons). The camera records the positrons and turns the recording into pictures on a computer.
PET scan pictures do not show as much detail as computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) because the pictures show only the location of the tracer. The PET picture may be matched with those from a CT scan to get more detailed information about where the tracer is located.
A PET scan is often used to evaluate cancer, check blood flow, or see how organs are working.
A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is done to:
Before you have a PET scan, tell your doctor if:
You may be asked to sign a consent form.
A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is done in a hospital nuclear medicine department or at a special PET center by a radiologist or nuclear medicine specialist and a technologist. You will lie on a table that is hooked to a large scanner, camera, and computer.
The radioactive tracer is usually given in a vein (IV). You may need to wait 30 to 60 minutes for the tracer to move through your body. During this time, you may need to avoid moving and talking.
The PET scanner, which is shaped like a doughnut, moves around you. The scanned pictures are sent to a computer screen so your doctor can see them. Many scans are done to make a series of pictures. It is very important to lie still while each scan is being done. At some medical centers, a CT scan will be done at the same time.
For a PET scan of the brain, you will lie on a bed. You may be asked to read, name letters, or tell a story, depending on whether speech, reasoning, or memory is being tested. During the scan, you may be given earplugs and a blindfold (if you do not need to read during the test) to wear for your comfort.
If you are having a PET scan of your heart, electrodes for an electrocardiogram (EKG/ECG) will be put on your body.
During the test, you will be alone in the scanner room. The technologist will watch you through a window and you will be able talk to him or her through a two-way intercom at all times.
The test takes 1 to 3 hours.
After the test, drink lots of fluids for the next 24 hours to help flush the tracer out of your body.
You will not feel pain during the test. The table you lie on may be hard and the room may be cool. It may be difficult to lie still during the test.
You may feel a quick sting or pinch when the IV is put in your arm. The tracer is unlikely to cause any side effects. If you don't feel well during or after the test, tell the person who is doing the test.
You may feel nervous inside the PET scanner.
There is always a slight chance of damage to cells or tissue from radiation, including the low levels of radiation used for this test. But the chance of damage is usually very low compared with the benefits of the test.
Most of the tracer will be flushed from your body within 6 to 24 hours. Allergic reactions to the tracer are very rare.
In rare cases, some soreness or swelling may develop at the IV site where the radioactive tracer was put in. Apply a moist, warm compress to your arm.
Positron emission tomography (PET) is a test that uses a special type of camera and a tracer (radioactive substance) to look at organs in the body.
The radiologist may discuss preliminary results of the PET scan with you right after the test. Complete results are usually available in 1 to 2 days.
Tumour detection:
Reasons you may not be able to have the test or why the results may not be helpful include:
Healthwise Staff
Medical Reviewers:
Current as of November 29, 2017
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