Doctors Found
Mr Solomons, Donald A
Plastic Surgeon
32 Marine Drive, Summerstrand, 6001
083 676 2466
Dr Eugene Van Tonder B
Plastic Surgeon
Suite 209 St Georges Medical Centre,40a Park Drive,Centrahil, 6001
+27 41 374 4800
Dr Ronel Marlize Gowar C
Plastic Surgeon
Suite 5 The Stables,1 How Avenue,Port Elizabeth, 6001
+27 41 373 0260
Dr Johannes Christiaan Van Der Walt D
Plastic Surgeon
The Stables,1 How Avenue,Port Elizabeth, 6001
+27 41 373 2261
Dr Christiaan Gerhardus Joubert E
Plastic Surgeon
Room 225 Netcare Greenacres Hospital,Cnr Cape & Rochelle Road,Greenacres, 6045
+27 41 363 0197
Dr Charles George Apostolis F
Plastic Surgeon
211 Greenacres Hospital, Cnr Rochelle & Cape Road, Greenacres, 6045
041 390 7242
Dr Konrad Hoekstra G
Plastic Surgeon
Suite G04 Ground Floor Netcare Greenacres Hospita,Cnr Cape & Rochelle Road,Greenacres, 6045
+27 41 363 2999
Dr Brian Davidson Ritchie H
Plastic Surgeon
35 Bonza Bay Road,Beacon Bay, 5241
+27 43 748 2143
Dr Timothy James (Tim) Perks I
Plastic Surgeon
60 Bonza Bay Road,Beacon Bay, 5241
+27 43 748 2279
Dr Andre Georg Kepler J
Plastic Surgeon
60 Bonza Bay Road,Beacon Bay, 5241
+27 43 748 4697
Dr Matthew Maria Brouckaert K
Plastic Surgeon
5 Hedge Street,Knysna, 6571
+27 44 382 9888
Dr Ian Colquhoun Mc Gibbon L
Plastic Surgeon
Garden Route Centre For Eye Laser & Plastic Surg,44 Langenhoven Street,George, 6529
+27 44 873 2228
Dr Cornelis Thomas (Corneels) Verster M
Plastic Surgeon
George Surgical Centre,44 Langenhoven Street,George, 6529
+27 44 873 3491
Dr Efraim Timotheus Prinsloo Van Der Walt N
Plastic Surgeon
Suite 112 Life Rosepark Hospital,57 Gustav Crescent,Fichardt Park, 9301
+27 51 522 3661
Dr Philippus Jeremias Coetzer O
Plastic Surgeon
Room 602 Mediclinic Bloemfontein,Cnr Kellner Street & Parfitt Avenue,Westdene, 9301
+27 51 444 2342
Prof Johannes Frederik (Fred) Jooste P
Plastic Surgeon
Universitas Hospital,Logeman Street,Bloemfontein, 9301
+27 51 405 3544
Dr Jan-Hendrik Adriaan Lamprecht Q
Plastic Surgeon
Suite 206 Wilmedpark Private Hospital,Cnr Ametis & Marmer Street,Wilkoppies, 2571
+27 18 468 1590
Dr Bronwen Jane Schoenfeld R
Plastic Surgeon
104 Main Street,Howick, 3290
+27 33 330 4724
Dr Manti Martin-Luther Makakole S
Plastic Surgeon
607 Block B Midlands Medical Centre,Masukwana Street,Pietermaritzburg, 3201
+27 33 342 9685
Dr Theogren Balakrishnan T
Plastic Surgeon
Cousnulting Block 5 Mediclinic Pietermaritzburg,90 Payne Street,Pietermaritzburg, 3201
+27 33 345 4753