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Doctors Found

Mr Hillary Tomu  A

Psychologist - Industrial
Callaway Park,18 Callaway Street,Mthatha, 5100
+27 47 531 1711

Dr Henning, Riana  B

Psychologist - Industrial
18 Lukas Meyer Street, Grahamstown, 6139
084 548 2727

Mr Alwyn Paul Moerdyk  C

Psychologist - Industrial
University Road, Grahamstown, 6139
046 603 8507

Mr Linstrom, Frededrick Ernst  D

Psychologist - Industrial
28 River Road, Boesmansriviermond, 6190
082 855 7664

Mrs Nokhanyo Rungqu-Mshumpela  E

Psychologist - Industrial
9 Gately Street,Southernwood, 5201
+27 43 722 6626

Dr Aletta Sophia (Althea) Van Der Merwe  F

Psychologist - Industrial
61 Furstenburg Grand,Beach Road,Nahoon, 5241
+27 82 850 6984

Mrs Magdild Bak (Smit)  G

Psychologist - Industrial
39 New Street,Ladybrand, 9745
+27 82 416 2217

Prof Karel George Frederik Esterhuyse  H

Psychologist - Industrial
Univ of Free State Faculty - Dept of Psychology, Roth Avenue, Bloemfontein, 9301
051 401 9420

Mr Jacobus Willem Pienaar  I

Psychologist - Industrial
3 Kiepersol Close,25 Cussonia Drive,Kiepersol, 9301
+27 51 401 2152

Mrs Susanna Magdalena Schoeman  J

Psychologist - Industrial
8 Sergeant Street,Universitas, 9301
+27 51 522 3045

Mrs Kruger, Sonet Beatrice  K

Psychologist - Industrial
21 Basil Road, Hillsboro, 9301
082 771 4709

Mr Willem Hendrik Struwig  L

Psychologist - Industrial
Bloemcare Clinic,11 A G Visser Street,Langenhovenpark, 9301
+27 51 446 2650

Mr Jean Du Rand  M

Psychologist - Industrial
St Georges Park,3 Hoe Road,Port Elizabeth, 6001
+27 82 382 4684

Dr Karen Piro  N

Psychologist - Industrial
Port Elizabeth, 6001
+27 82 680 8158

Mrs Susanna Jacoba Goosen  O

Psychologist - Industrial
335 Govan Mbeki Avenue,North End, 6001
+27 84 556 3005

Mrs Tarina Kemp  P

Psychologist - Industrial
Ground Floor Bloomingdales Office Park,34 9th Avenue,Walmer
+27 41 581 0150

Dr Peter Edwin Arthur Whitehead  Q

Psychologist - Industrial
186 Main Road,Walmer, 6070
+27 41 581 0787

Dr Freda Van Der Walt  R

Psychologist - Industrial
2 Jasmyn Street,Jim Fouchepark, 9459
+27 83 459 0351

Mrs Hester Antoinette Barnard (Visser)  S

Psychologist - Industrial
Room 6 Netcare Kroon Hospital,Noord Road,Kroonstad, 9499
+27 56 212 4818

Dr Johan Landman  T

Psychologist - Industrial
Netcare Kroon Hospital,18 Noord Road,Kroonstad, 9499
+27 56 212 4818
