Doctors Found
Ms Pretorius, Estelle A
Speech - Therapy & Audiology
14b, Andries Pretorius Street, Standerton, 2430
017 712 2233
Mrs Desire Jacqueline Van Jaarsveld B
Speech - Therapy & Audiology
Office 5 Star Superspar Village Shopping Centre,Cnr Nelson Mandela Drive & Vaal Rivier Street,Secunda, 2302
+27 17 631 1581
Mrs Bianca Van Der Walt C
Speech - Therapy & Audiology
Sasol Secunda Shared Services Clinic,Synfuels Road,Secunda, 2302
+27 17 614 8219
Mr Sivikelo Vincent Zwane D
Speech - Therapy & Audiology
G P Raman Medical Centre,10 Charles Cilliers Street,Secunda, 2302
+27 17 631 1928
Mrs Linda Coetzee (Rossouw) E
Speech - Therapy & Audiology
8 Douglas Street,Secunda, 2302
+27 17 634 4232
Ms Jolandie Human F
Speech - Therapy & Audiology
2 Stephanus Schoeman Street,Secunda, 2302
+27 84 245 8663
Mrs Danile Neethling G
Speech - Therapy & Audiology
Room 307 Secunda Medforum Building,Heunis Street,Secunda, 2302
+27 17 631 3901
Mrs Roenel Theron H
Speech - Therapy & Audiology
Langver Wag Plaas,Vrede, 9835
+27 58 913 1907
Ms Streicher, Anna Magdalena I
Speech - Therapy & Audiology
Leslie, 2265
082 459 1831
Miss Lucretia Kirton J
Speech - Therapy & Audiology
Verkennerst Nr 1,Ben Fleur,Witbank, 1034
+27 83 230 9894
Miss Maggie Mafutse Mbangula K
Speech - Therapy & Audiology
Witbank Provincial Hospital, Mandela Drive, Witbank, 1034
013 653 2550
Miss Marjan Middeljans L
Speech - Therapy & Audiology
Mandela Drive, Witbank, 1034
013 653 2550
Ms Marlize Nieuwoudt M
Speech - Therapy & Audiology
Entrance 5 Financial Square,Mandela Street,Witbank, 1034
+27 83 974 5834
Mrs Henriette Moolman N
Speech - Therapy & Audiology
Suite 10 Life Cosmos Hospital,Cnr O R Tambo Road & Beatty Avenue,Witbank, 1034
+27 13 653 8270
Mrs Alice-Ann Olivier (Maree) O
Speech - Therapy & Audiology
Unit 3 President Park - the Ear Institute,Jeanette Street,Witbank, 1034
+27 13 656 1775
Miss Salmah Kola P
Speech - Therapy & Audiology
34 Claredon Avenue, Witbank Ext 10, 1034
013 656 3786
Ms Gonasillan, Shamaleni Aurellia Q
Speech - Therapy & Audiology
Entrance 5 Financial Square, Corner of Mandela, Die Heuwel, 1034
013 653 2180
Mrs Erika Bostock R
Speech - Therapy & Audiology
16 Soar Street,Witbank, 1034
+27 82 737 2529
Mrs Catharina Magdalena (Karin) Viljoen (Kruger) S
Speech - Therapy & Audiology
23 Melmentz Street,Ermelo, 2351
+27 17 819 4712
Mrs Sanet Swanepoel T
Speech - Therapy & Audiology
9 Krisante Street,Nigel, 1491
+27 83 305 8910