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Mrs Miki Jooste  A

Speech - Therapy & Audiology
Suite 208 Westville Hospital,7 Harry Gwala Road,Westville, 3629
+27 31 265 0976

Ms Deborah Mary Hardcastle  B

Speech - Therapy & Audiology
26 Cochrane Avenue,Westville, 3629
+27 82 040 9602

Ms Harsha Mothilall Kathard  C

Speech - Therapy & Audiology
Univ of Durban Westville Speech Therapy Dept, Westville, 3629
031 262 4778

Mrs Jacqueline Joy Scott (Wimbury)  D

Speech - Therapy & Audiology
26 Carlton Avenue,Westville, 3629
+27 31 266 7500

Ms Amina Bebe Ashraf Karani  E

Speech - Therapy & Audiology
5 Bonela Road,Bonela, 4091
+27 31 201 7385

Ms Michelle Dominique Symons  F

Speech - Therapy & Audiology
Suite 9 Medical Centre West Entabeni Hospital,148 Mazisi Kunene Road,Bulwer, 4001
+27 31 261 2179

Mrs Maxine Lesley Dobeyn  G

Speech - Therapy & Audiology
Ent Centre Audiology Entabeni Hospital,148 Mazisi Kunene Road,Bulwer, 4001
+27 31 261 4779

Mrs Krishnavellie Naidoo  H

Speech - Therapy & Audiology
The Glen 7 Berkshire Place,Bowker Road,Durban, 4001
+27 31 464 0206

Mrs Kogilambal Naidoo  I

Speech - Therapy & Audiology
17 Tilana Way,Queensburgh, 4093
+27 31 464 8140

Ms Sunitta Ramlall  J

Speech - Therapy & Audiology
St Augustine's Hospital,107 J B Marks Road,Bulwer, 4001
+27 31 262 8529

Dr Mershen Pillay  K

Speech - Therapy & Audiology
5 Gweneth Place,Durban, 4001
+27 31 261 1077

Ms Avishana Sewrajan  L

Speech - Therapy & Audiology
291 Underwood Road,Sarnia, 3610
+27 31 708 4237

Ms Nourse, Kirsty  M

Speech - Therapy & Audiology
291 Underwood Road, Sarnia, 3610
031 708 4237

Mrs Sandra Gail Burgess  N

Speech - Therapy & Audiology
7 Saturn Road,Westville North, 3629
+27 83 463 3017

Mrs Pamela Megan Reid  O

Speech - Therapy & Audiology
105 Levenhall Road,Glenmore, 4001
+27 31 205 4437

Ms Shamilla Maharaj  P

Speech - Therapy & Audiology
76 Newcastle Avenue,Reservoir Hills, 4091
+27 31 262 5561

Mrs Hilary Variawa  Q

Speech - Therapy & Audiology
3-6 Canna Place,Overport, 4091
+27 31 207 1318

Mrs Sitha Laalje  R

Speech - Therapy & Audiology
Daydawn Training Centre,127 Keal Road,Durban, 4001
+27 31 207 1424

Mrs Yasmin Essop Jhajbhai  S

Speech - Therapy & Audiology
133 Essendene Road,Sydenham, 4091
+27 31 208 5117

Dr Penelope Susan Flack  T

Speech - Therapy & Audiology
22 Ashwin Avenue,Westville, 3629
+27 31 262 7173
