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Doctors Found

Ms Mosiwa Georgina Maselesele  A

Psychologist - Counselling
3rd Floor Marble Towers,200-212 Cnr Rahima Moosa & Von Wielligh Street,Johannesburg
+27 11 333 0203

Mr Henny Tinyiko Mavasa  B

Psychologist - Counselling
Lister Medical Centre,710 Cnr Smal & Jeppe Street,Johannesburg, 2001
+27 11 067 0351

Mrs Ana Paula De Oliveira Carvalho  C

Psychologist - Counselling
207 Eloff Street,Selby Ext, 2001
+27 11 493 3333

Dr Anna Margaretha Fourie  D

Psychologist - Counselling
University of Johannesburg,37 Nind Street,Doornfontein, 2094
+27 11 559 6833

Ms Kogila Thangavelu  E

Psychologist - Counselling
Suite 2 Rand Clinic,41 Bruce Street,Berea, 2198
+27 72 254 6130

Dr Sumayya Ebrahim  F

Psychologist - Counselling
Parklane Clinic,Cnr Junction & Park Lane,Parktown, 2193
+27 11 788 6389

Mr Duncan Yates  G

Psychologist - Counselling
Senate House,Jorissen Street,Braamfontein, 2001
+27 11 717 9153

Miss Sindisiwe Charlotte Mlotshwa  H

Psychologist - Counselling
Akeso Clinic,6 Junction Avenue,Parktown, 2193
+27 79 084 0336

Mr Yolandran (Yolan) Moodley  I

Psychologist - Counselling
292 Pine Avenue,Ferndale, 2194
+27 71 342 1910

Mrs Ebrahim, Hanifa  J

Psychologist - Counselling
63 Dolly Rathebe Road, Fordsburg, 2092
011 836 1681

Miss Tanya Monique Graham (Swart)  K

Psychologist - Counselling
University of Witwatersrand, 118 Jorrisen Street, Braamfontein, 2001
011 717 4586

Miss Christel Khanyisile Slindile Manzini  L

Psychologist - Counselling
23 Bree Street,Berea, 2198
+27 11 484 0226

Mr Hugo Maxim Canham  M

Psychologist - Counselling
Room U228 Umthombo Building, 1 Jorissen Street, Braamfontein, 2001
011 717 4538

Mr Potgieter, Hendrik  N

Psychologist - Counselling
Area 459, Jubilee Road, Parktown, 2193
011 717 2026

Mrs Manogri Slabbert (Naidoo)  O

Psychologist - Counselling
207 Highland Road, Kensington, 2094
011 616 4512

Dr Cathrerine Ann (Anni) Wakerley  P

Psychologist - Counselling
59 Woodview Road,Westcliffe, 2193
+27 11 646 2424

Ms Amaechi Eva Nduka-Agwu  Q

Psychologist - Counselling
44 Stanley Avenue,Johannesburg, 2001
+27 84 626 0781

Ms Elri Hettema  R

Psychologist - Counselling
31 Urania Street,Observatory, 2198
+27 76 168 9374

Ms Antoinette Lategan  S

Psychologist - Counselling
13 Palala Road,Westcliffe, 2193
+27 11 646 7001

Dr Cornelia Johanna (Hannetjie) Van Zyl-Edeling  T

Psychologist - Counselling
85 St Patrick Road,Houghton, 2198
+27 82 460 4575
