Doctors Found
Dr Levina Gerber A
Veterinary Surgeons
185 Doreen Avenue,Amandasig, 0182
+27 12 549 1200
Dr Fanny Masocha Baloyi B
Veterinary Surgeons
10 Jensen Street,The Orchards, 0182
+27 12 549 6597
Dr Willem Jacobus Cilliers C
Veterinary Surgeons
790 Punctata,Pretoria, 0002
+27 12 565 5597
Dr Van Aardt, Corrie D
Veterinary Surgeons
566 Rachel De Beer Street, Pretoria North, 0182
012 546 2079
Dr Cornelia Opperman E
Veterinary Surgeons
566 Rachel De Beer Street,Pretoria North, 0182
+27 12 546 2079
Dr Peter William Smith F
Veterinary Surgeons
Room 1-18 Poultry Building,Onderstepoort Vet Faculty,Onderstepoort
+27 12 529 8051
Dr Marius Hornsveld G
Veterinary Surgeons
+27 12 529 8030
Dr Sheryl Lynette Van Staden (Fourie) H
Veterinary Surgeons
Paraclinical Bldg Rm 1-58 flr Fac of Vet Sciences, 100 Old Soutpansweg, Onderstepoort
012 529 8350
Dr Jan Joubert I
Veterinary Surgeons
875 Van Der Hoff Road,Claremont, 0082
+27 12 379 5041
Prof Fred Reyers J
Veterinary Surgeons
University of Pretoria Faculty of Vet Science,Old Soutpan Road,Onderstepoort
+27 12 529 8345
Dr Valmai Le Grange K
Veterinary Surgeons
440 Karel Trichardt Street,Mountain View, 0082
+27 12 379 8868
Dr Silvia Weiss L
Veterinary Surgeons
440 Karel Trichardt Street,Mountain View, 0082
+27 12 379 8868
Dr Jill Belinda Drake M
Veterinary Surgeons
University of Pretoria,Old Soutpan Road,Onderstepoort
+27 12 529 8276
Dr Gerhard Steenkamp N
Veterinary Surgeons
University of Pretoria, Old Soutpan Road, Onderstepoort
012 529 8240
Dr Lynette Bester O
Veterinary Surgeons
Soutpan Street, Onderstepoort
012 529 8148
Dr Willem Jacobus Botha P
Veterinary Surgeons
Room 1-35 Vet Pathology Building, 1 Old Soutpan Road, Onderstepoort
012 529 8000
Dr Elizabeth Cornelia Du Plessis Q
Veterinary Surgeons
Room 1-35 Vet Pathology Building, 1 Old Soutpan Road, Onderstepoort
012 529 8000
Dr Dorianne Louise Elliott R
Veterinary Surgeons
M35 Soutpan Road,Onderstepoort
+27 12 529 8105
Dr Quixi Sonntag S
Veterinary Surgeons
Faculty of Vet Science University of Pretoria,Old Soutpan Road,Onderstepoort
+27 12 529 8472
Prof Amelia Goddard T
Veterinary Surgeons
3rd Floor Room 4-5 Clinical Pathology Building, Ou Soutpan Road, Pretoria, 0002
012 529 8260